Karen Kibler

Karen Kibler

Training and Background

Karen E. Kibler, MA, CAS, CHt is a certified Yoga Therapist and Clinical Ayurvedic Practitioner. She received her Master’s degree in East-West Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies with a concentration in body-mind practices and complementary healing practices.
She completed training and received a certificate in Integrative Yoga Therapy, which combines the timeless insights of yoga, stress management, and holistic approaches to health and healing. In addition to providing private yoga sessions, Karen currently teaches yoga for cardiac rehabilitation patients and the stress management classes at the California Pacific Medical Center. She also received certification in Clinical Ayurveda from the California College of Ayurveda where she currently supervises interns. Ayurveda is an ancient healing science originating in India over 5,000 years ago and incorporates lifestyle choices, diet, herbs, yoga, pranayama (breathing techniques), aromatherapy, sound therapy, and meditation. Ayurveda is considered a sister science to yoga as both systems focus on expanding one’s self-awareness while creating balance and integration between the body, mind and consciousness.

Yoga Therapy

A private yoga therapy session includes an assessment of the individual’s specific goals, needs, and conditions to facilitate health on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. During a typical yoga session, Karen teaches breathing, mindfulness, and body-awareness techniques followed by individualized yoga postures for specific conditions utilizing different styles of yoga appropriate to the individual’s constitution. The session ends with guided imagery, music, aromatherapy, and meditation during the final relaxation time. Karen specializes in yoga therapy for stress reduction, pain management, depression, insomnia, and body-image issues.

Other benefits of yoga include:

  • Greater flexibility, strength, and balance.
  • Improves circulation and digestion.
  • Promotes weight-loss and stress reduction.
  • Increases vitality, self-awareness, and self-confidence.
  • Greater sense of peace and well-being.

Yoga activates the body’s intelligence by releasing chronically contracted muscles and emotional patterns held within the body to facilitate the healing process. This process counteracts the effects of aging, stress, and physical and emotional conditions. There is more information about yoga on this website here. 

To help create a safe, positive environment, Karen provides private, individualized yoga sessions in the comfort of your home. Fees range between $65 for a 60-minute session and $95 for a 90-minute session. It is recommended that you refrain from eating one hour before the session and wear comfortable, loose clothing. Karen will supply the yoga mats and any necessary props. To schedule a private yoga session with Karen, please contact her at (415) 819-5872 or via e-mail at kkibler415@earthlink.net