Chronotherapy for Depression Treats Suicidality

Peter Forster Insomnia Treatment, Major Depression, Treatments of Depression

Chronotherapy for depression may be a very fast and effective treatment for suicidality, according to a preliminary study just published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research. 10 inpatients received what was called “triple chronotherapy” and showed dramatic and rapid reductions in suicidal ideation and depression. Of course this is a very small sample and only one study. But it points …

Active Treatment

Peter Forster About GPS

Why are we so insistent that people in “active treatment” at Gateway Psychiatric, have to always have a future appointment, and must discuss with us the issue of visit frequency? Why don’t we let them come in when they feel the need? Today we were meeting with someone who was asking all of those questions and who also, in many …

Biomarker for Suicidality

admin Testing, Treatments of Depression

A just published study by Jerry Guintivano, et al, in the July issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry reports having identified a gene that seemed to predict suicide. The study used one population to identify the risk association and then confirmed it prospectively in a second population. Zachary Kaminsky, Ph.D., an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at …